Recognizing valuable features on your land is critical to maximizing your property’s worth. Water, timber and wildlife are just a few of the resources that can generate income and increase value. While you may be aware of what can add value, getting the most out of your land often requires the experience of a professional.
Liquid Assets
A water feature can serve numerous purposes while adding monetary value to land. The potential to add a water source, should one not be found naturally on your property, is always worth looking into. Construction of a water feature is an intricate process with surveys, water quality, silt testing and more among the necessary considerations. Because of this, consulting or contracting a professional ensures proper construction to add maximum value. Streams, rivers, ponds and lakes each present different complexities, which can be lessened with the help of an expert.
Timber Resources
According to the American Forest Foundation, landowners who hire foresters increase timber sales by as much as 58 percent. A timber professional can help you plan and harvest your timberland, manage the sale process, and supervise a harvest to keep it within required guidelines. Since there’s no simple formula for determining the value of trees, foresters are an incredible source to help you get the most for your timber. Recreation is also a strong possibility with the right kind of timber growth. An expert can guide you through the best process for attracting wildlife, establishing trails, and more.
Habitat Management
If your goal is to manage your land for recreation, a wildlife biologist will help make your property more ideal for photography, fishing, bird watching or hunting. Biologists offer extensive knowledge of animals’ behavior and life processes. They can best advise you how to develop your property into a wildlife paradise by providing feedback about species of interest, ways to improve you land’s attractiveness, and analyzing patterns among native plant and animal populations. To get the best advice and management, it’s important to seek out a qualified biologist whether it’s a certified wildlife biologist, associate wildlife biologist or a graduate of a professional development program. Most biologists hold a Ph.D. and work in independent research or development positions.